Richie Halversen: Reaping Meetings, Part 1

In this episode, Richie Halversen gets into the practical nuts and bolts of how to hold evangelistic meetings, covering everything from vision and seed sowing to budgeting and style. This was the 3rd breakout session in the reaping meetings track at the 2023 Propel Conference.

Episode sponsor: eAdventist

Creators and Guests

Larry Witzel
Larry Witzel
Respected innovator at intersection of technology and ministry. Marketing nerd. Computer geek. Founder of SermonView. Servant of God and friend to humankind.
Richie Halversen
Richie Halversen
Director of church growth and revitalization for the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Richie Halversen: Reaping Meetings, Part 1
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