Dr. Roger Walter: Asking for Decisions

In this episode, Dr. Roger Walter explains that asking for decisions is a crucial step in the evangelism process. He points out the power of decisions to overcome emotional and mental barriers, describes a number of variations in how to ask for decisions, and explains how repetition prepares the soil of someone’s heart to make a life-changing decision. This was the 2nd breakout session in the reaping meetings track at the 2023 Propel Conference.

Episode sponsor: Adventist World Radio

Creators and Guests

Larry Witzel
Larry Witzel
Respected innovator at intersection of technology and ministry. Marketing nerd. Computer geek. Founder of SermonView. Servant of God and friend to humankind.
Dr. Roger Walter
Dr. Roger Walter
Senior pastor of Adventist Community Church in Vancouver, WA, and president of EvangeLead
Dr. Roger Walter: Asking for Decisions
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