Cyndi Keiser - Sozo-Christ’s Method Alone

In this presentation, Cyndi Keiser shares her faith journey and explains how Nehemiah's story inspires restoration. She highlights Isaiah 58 as a guide for ministry and talks about combining medical work with sharing the gospel for a complete approach to healing. Cyndi encourages a renewed focus on serving others, especially on the Sabbath, and calls listeners to be modern-day Nehemiahs, helping repair brokenness in their communities.

Episode Sponsor: Adventist Learning Community

The Propel Church Growth Conference is coming to Tacoma, WA, April 27-30, 2025.

Creators and Guests

Larry Witzel
Larry Witzel
Respected innovator at intersection of technology and ministry. Marketing nerd. Computer geek. Founder of SermonView. Servant of God and friend to humankind.
Cyndi Keiser
Cyndi Keiser
Cyndi Keiser is a Bible worker in the Georgia-Cumberland Conference
Cyndi Keiser - Sozo-Christ’s Method Alone
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